** Summer Sporting Clays **
The Woods
3-Bird Shoot
2018 Season Scores

Summer Season is now in full force.  The 3-bird shoot in the woods are providing some great targets.  Thank you for everyone who make this possible.

It takes a lot of volunteers to make this all happen so any and all help is very much appreciated.

I have updated the scores for the IFAGC Summer Sporting Clays and have posted them on the website.  http://www.ilionfishandgameclub.com

Follow the link on the 'Scores' page for '3 Bird Shoot - The Woods' - 2018 - Season'

Add some great targets and that made for another outstanding day on Top of the Hill - ** SUB-GAUGE DAY **.

07/14 - We had 53 shooters show up to enjoy some great targets and shot a total of 53 rounds. A lot of new faces as well.

Thank you to Ric Roberts, Dale VanHatten, Jim Russell, Joe Murray, John LaCelle and David Cruger for getting the course up and running.

Thank you to Scott Capes for running the desk and keeping everything moving smoothly.

Thank you to Rob Tulloch and Scott Capes for that amazing smoked pulled pork sandwiches, it was outstanding, thank you.

Shoot Date: 07/14
Average Score: 77.038
High Score For The Day: 98 - Joe Szarejko - Outstanding shooting sir
Scores over 80: 28

96 - Keith Tripple
95 - Ed Kitner
91 - Joe Murray
90 - Bill BIrch, Jeremy Caveretta and David Greene
89 - Dennis More, Gint Reider, Henry Verri, Dan Mahay and Butch Mitchel

Thank you to all the hardworking trappers, don't forget the tip jar.
07/21 - Sporting Clays
07/28 - Sporting Clays
08/06 - Membership Meeting
08/07 - Sporting Clays
08/14 - Sporting Clays
08/21 - Sporting Clays

See you at the club.

David D. Cruger                                                     (96023)